Can an obituary be corrected?
If there is wrong or missing information in the obituary, you can correct it and republish it. Once, when our company owner was a newspaper reporter intern, one of her weekend duties was typing [...]
If there is wrong or missing information in the obituary, you can correct it and republish it. Once, when our company owner was a newspaper reporter intern, one of her weekend duties was typing [...]
Back before the Internet, the best way to announce the death of a loved one was to publish it in the local newspaper. Now in the digital age we live in, many people still choose to publish [...]
It is very common to have a blended family and there are several ways to list them in an obituary. Just remember, it’s important to include everyone. For stepparents, write the obituary to [...]
If you are writing an obituary for someone who has two wives or multiple spouses, treat it as you would any obituary. List all of the spouses in the survivors’ section. You could list the [...]
Stepchildren and stepparents are an important part of people’s lives and should be included in your loved one’s obituary. List stepchildren and stepparents alongside biological parents and [...]
If your question is how to write about someone’s ex-wife, ex-husband, or former spouse in an obituary, here are some guidelines. If the deceased person has remarried, list the current [...]
The easiest answer to the question of who to include in an obituary is all the people who loved and cared for the person who died. It’s common to list all immediate family members: spouse, [...]
If you are writing the obituary for your former spouse, we suggest teaming up with another family member to help you fill out some of the details you might not have access to. Follow our free How [...]
Well, this is a tough question to answer. First, we suggest you politely decline writing this obituary and assign the task to someone else. Your feelings about this person are 100 percent valid [...]
This is an interesting question. First, define “obsessed.” Many people read the obituary section of their newspaper every day. We wouldn’t call that an obsession, just an interest and curiosity [...]