Where can I find bookmarks made from obituaries?
Many companies can help you create a bookmark from an obituary. We have not personally used any of these companies, so we don’t have a recommendation. But if you Google “obituary bookmarks” you [...]
Many companies can help you create a bookmark from an obituary. We have not personally used any of these companies, so we don’t have a recommendation. But if you Google “obituary bookmarks” you [...]
You can translate an obituary, or any document, on a number of free translation services websites. Try https://translate.google.com/ and https://www.bing.com/translator. Happy translating!
Yes, we can spell obituary. Can you? 😊 Sorry, we couldn’t resist. If you would like the official dictionary entry for obituary, here you go.
What an awesome question! We love Harry Potter, too! We did not want to mess up this answer so we went to the experts at Harry Potter Fandom for the answer. Elphias Doge, a longtime friend, wrote [...]
Dr. Who obituaries… What an interesting question! Our apologies, but we haven’t watched that television show. We’ve heard it’s good, and it must be since it’s be on the air for decades. But we’re [...]
Wow, you’re really testing us now. We had to Google this one. According to Wikipedia, there is an American death metal band called Obituary. The band formed in Tampa, Florida in 1984 and has [...]
Hey, we know the answer to this one! Obituary is a noun. But, and here’s where things get interesting, it can also be an adjective. For example: The obituary page is the most popular section of [...]
We love grammar and synonym questions! According to thesaurus.com, there are several synonyms for the word obituary, including obit, announcement, and death notice. There also are some unusual [...]
OK, before we answer this question, let’s explain what it means. A primary source, according to Wikipedia, is an artifact, document, diary, manuscript, autobiography, recording, or any [...]
The word “obituaries” is pronounced: uh bi choo eh reez. You can listen to it being pronounced in this video.